BeautiZone Hair Care Guide
Do you want extraordinary looking hair? Don’t we all?
Hair care routine is a challenge both for women and men especially if you are a busy person, but if you maintain your hair care routine you will feel more confident and good-looking. Fortunately, your hair doesn't generally require attention consistently and numerous things in a hair care routine can be followed once or twice a week. It’s about more than using just a shampoo.
Hair loss has become a common problem around the world, many people are facing this problem. There could be numerous reasons for hair loss which including eating routine, mineral insufficiency, medicines, stress, pollution and hereditary qualities. Putting on a hat, cap or helmet is also another reason in men. We all have different opinions on healthy hair’s length, volume and shininess.
The nature of your hair will generally be controlled by how well you deal with it and the viability of your everyday hair care routine. Do you trust individuals are simply brought into the world with delightful hair and those sufficiently fortunate don't need to do any maintenance because of their hereditary qualities? In case, you're not at exactly perfect situation with your hair at this moment, then it should require some investment for its quality to improve. There are various factors that influence its appearance. In the hustle bustle of life, one thing that is affected in your body is your hair. Yes, this is right. Your hair is worthy enough to take care of, to look healthy and shinier, which is the reason you have to pursue a right hair care routine.
In the course of recent years, healthy skin care routine has moved toward major task in our way of life. With regards to your hair you'll have a wide range of guidance from your mother, whether to use a conditioner or oil, while your beautician will prescribe the new thing.
Before you pick your decision of treatment, here are a couple of things you should know. The initial phase in hair-care is your eating routine and the two most imperative things in your eating regimen are iron and protein. The hair cells are the quickest developing cells in the body, yet they are additionally the initial ones to be influenced you don't eat right or endure with lacks since they are not required for survival.
The term nighttime routine is typically linked to skincare, so in this time we often ignore our hair, we forget that this is the time when our hair restore itself. So here are some useful steps that you can follow for your hair care routine.
What’s your hair type?
Hair is a matter of pride and delight for many women. Some have straight, and some have voluminous and curly hair. Each lady's hair is extraordinary and wonderful in its own particular manner. Everyone’s hair has some limitations, it may frizz or doesn’t curl these are the characteristics that you can't control, yet you can figure out how to function around them.
Every person possesses different hair and it should be taken care of in some specific ways. Realize what kind of hair you have so as to deal with it in the most ideal manner. Spend some days without using any type of hair product and see what your hair type is.
There are distinctive subcategories of hair types, each has its own specific description.
- Oily
- Dry
- Normal
- Wavy
- Straight
- Curly
- Thick
- Fine
Straight Hair
If you have hair of this sort, it is straight, and it gets oily and shiny. Straight hair can get oily quicker than wavy hair because oil from your scalp goes down the hair shaft rapidly. This type of hair is common in women. Another type of straight hair is thicker, have volume and shine.
This type of hair is naturally wavy and thicker and it’s easy to style them. Another type of wavy hair is medium thick and frizzier. Another is thick and difficult to style.
This type of hair gets straight when hair is wet and return to its actual curls as it dries. This type characterized as springy twists and easy to style. One type of it is shiny, frizzy and thick in texture. Another has tighter curls and different textures.
People who have oily skin also have oily hair. If your scalp is oily your hair will automatically turn to be oily because of oil secretion. Most of the time this type of hair looks lifeless and dull. No matter how much you cleanse your hair will look oily after a day. Oil secretion will lead your hair to dandruff, and you will face a lot of hair fall.
If you have inactive oil secretory glands then you have dry hair, means not that inactive but ineffective. If your skin is dry, then your scalp is also dry. This type of hair is frizzy and dry due to over sun exposure, chemical treatments and use of harsh shampoos. It has split ends and excessive hair loss.
Those people are lucky who have this hair type. This type is healthier and shinier and have balanced ph. This is the most exceptional hair type to discover. It also needs cleansing, moisturizing and sun protection to avoid any problems. It has less dandruff, hair loss and other issues.
Part your hair and if you don’t see scalp then you have thick hair.
Stop washing your hair daily
Numerous people trust that they have to wash their hair day by day. However, most hair types just need to wash their hair every other day or a couple of times each week. Do not wash your hair just out of habit, it should depend on your hair type when to wash it.
- If you possess dry hair you should wash it every third day.
- If you have oily hair you should wash it every other day, but if it still looks oily then wash it daily.
- If you have normal hair you can wash it after three days.
There is no specific formula for how much you should wash your hair per week. Check your hair and wash it when you feel it's getting filthy. Too much washing of your will stop oils from restoring in your hair which can harm your hair.
Use the right hair care products
There are various types of shampoos from cheap to expensive, choose the shampoo for your hair type. Use your favorite natural hair oil at night as it works as a deep conditioner and wash it in the morning. You can oil your hair after a day or two. Dilute your shampoo while taking shower.
Oiling is another important part of hair care routine. Your hair can suffer a lot and lose moisture because of pollution and other factors. Apply your favorite natural hair oil as it works as a deep conditioner, massage your scalp well and then wash it in the morning. You can use Mizani Supreme Oil Hair Treatment or Vitale Virgin olive Hair Oil.
Apply a serum
This is another step of hair care routine and alternative to oiling. Serums protect and help your hair to get strong. Apply it before going to sleep. Serums treat dry and frizzy hair and do not apply it on the root to avoid greasy look. Check out Macadamia Oil Hair Serum or Argan Deluxe Hair and Body Serum.
Use of conditioner
It is another important step to hair care routine. Using a conditioner can moisturize and restore the natural oil in your hair. Choose a conditioner of your hair type, if you have dry hair then pick a hydrating conditioner and for oily hair chose a light weight conditioner. You can use a conditioner on regular basis or whenever you want, but also use deep conditioner once a week to repair any damage. You can try Shimmer Lights Conditioner or KeraCare Leave In Conditioner
Use a heat serum before hair styling
Heat serums can protect your hair from damage and dryness while using styling tools. Always apply heat serum or spray before curling, drying or straightening your hair. Check out Mizani Thermasmooth Smooth Guard Serum.
Use of volumizer
If you want to show your hair thick then use a volumizer. Spray it on the roots of your hair and the rest of hair. Use your hands or a blow dryer to create a volume. Try Thicker Fuller Instantly Thick Serum or Optimum Care Salon Collection Mineral Oil Free Sheen Spray
Weekly hair care Routine (mask and scrub)
Applying a hair mask once in a week is a special treatment to your hair. There are a lot of hair masks available in the market, but you can make it your own. Apply hair mask for 1-2 hours and then wash it with a cleanser. Hair cleansers work same as other cleansers work for your skin. You can also use aloe Vera gel for shiny, healthy and soft hair.
It’s true that dead skin cells replace new skin cells it often takes help from exfoliation. Scalp exfoliation can remove dead skin, excess oil and dandruff. If you don’t want split ends, damages and dry hair then exfoliate your scalp regularly, it is soothing and relaxing. You can do massage every day but this exfoliation process once or twice a week. You can do scalp exfoliation after shampoo. Comb your hair and apply scrub with fingertips or by using a brush and rub it in a circular motion. You can make natural defoliants at your home also. Avoid scalp exfoliation if you have infection, ringworm, cut or a lice issue. Try ORS HAIRestore Scalp Scrub.
Do not use hot water for hair
Your hair will lack natural conditioner i.e. protective oils if you use hot water while washing it. If you want to avoid dull hair, then start washing it with tepid water so that your hair will remain shinier and smoother.
Comb your hair when it is a bit wet
If you want to get rid of tangles, then use a wide-tooth comb after taking shower. Brush can pull your hair and make it break and damaged. So, use a comb and begin at the bottom of your hair and then go up. Comb your hair before going to bed at night also. Tie your hair in a lose bun or braid but make sure your hair is not wet. Moisturize the end of your hair before going to bed.
Air dry your hair
Using a hair dryer regularly can dry and damage your hair fast. Air dry your hair when possible, but if you want to use a blow dryer then stick to the one that has cooler setting.
Trim your hair with scissors
You don’t want damages or unhealthy hair? Then trim it after every six weeks or three months. Invest in scissors if you do not afford expensive salons. It would be easy to trim your hair when it is straight and wet.
Stop messing with your hair
Your hands have natural oil so do your hair, so do not touch your hair constantly otherwise it will increase oil in your hair, and it will look greasy.
Extra protection in hair care routine
i: Protection from sun exposure
Just like the sun damages you skin, it can damage your hair as well. Whenever you go outside for a long time, cover your hair (especially colour treated) with a hat or hairspray with SPF protection.
ii: Avoid tying your hair tightly
It’s convenient to tie your hair back in a ponytail or braid but make sure it is not too tight otherwise it can cause damage and breakage. Use soft hair elastics to tie your hair. Styling your hair is good but let it free at night.
iii: Use natural remedies in your hair care routine
Your kitchen is the best place where you could find things for your hair care routine. These are olive oil, coconut oil, tea, yogurt, egg, honey etc.
Olive oil will moisturize dry hair. Apply it to your hair for 45 minutes and then shampoo and rinse.
Coconut can work as a natural conditioner, apply hot coconut oil for thirty minutes then wash with shampoo.
Honey can give strength and can moisturize your hair.
Yogurt is rich in vitamins and is natural hair care ingredient.
Eggs contain proteins and nourish your scalp. It also helps hair to grow fast.
iv: Do not ignore the rest of your body
Healthy lifestyle is an incredible way to empower healthy hair. If you want to have healthy hair then take proper nutrients and eat right things for example bananas, eggs, almonds, milk, fish, chicken, fruits, vegetables. Stop stressing and smoking too much because it can make your hair dull. Additionally, you should remain hydrated. Drink the prescribed two liters of water every day and you will see the difference. Sleep well for seven to eight hours. You will feel the difference in just a few days.
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