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Acne and products for its control - Beautizone UK

Acne and products for its control

Things to know about acne

What is acne?


“A skin condition characterized by red pimples on the skin, especially on the face, due to inflamed or infected sebaceous glands and prevalent chiefly among adolescents.” Glands produce oily liquid which is called sebum.

 It occurs when your facial pores become blocked with oil, dead skin and bacteria than swollen pores rise to the surface. Acne can occur anywhere on your body but usually on your face, neck, chest, back and shoulders. The typical sign of acne is black and white pimples or blackheads and whiteheads.


Some types of acne


  • Papules: These are red pimples caused by inflammation or infection.
  • Pustules: These are severe form of acne which have whitish or yellowish pus also called fluid pimples. Then scars or black spots occur on your face.
  • Nodules: These are painful pimples under the surface of your skin.
  • Cysts: These are large peas like cysts under your skin which are painful and have pus.

Skin break out and pimples have been upsetting us forever. It’s difficult to get rid of them. We purchase number of face washes, toners and cleansers but only few of them ever work. So here is a list of products and a routine to use them, for those who have oily skin. It will work and give you a smoother and shinier skin without acne and pimples.


Acne prone skin care

Not every product is a magic product and suits every person and situation. If you want a clean skin, (whether you have acne or a clear skin) wash your face twice a day to remove polluting effects, dead skin cells and additional oil from your skin's surface. It’s not necessary to wash your face more than two times a day because it can do harm. Use tepid water and a gentle facial cleanser. Harsh soaps can hurt acne prone skin and cause irritation.


Face wash:


Acne and products for its control Beautizone UK - Beauty Formulas Tea Tree Exfoliating Facial Wash

Beauty Formulas Tea Tree Exfoliating Facial Wash 150ml

This natural gentle antibacterial face wash contains lots of beneficial effects and antiseptic properties. It deep cleanse and hydrate your skin without drying it.



Use antibacterial cleansers which contain the most important ingredient benzoyl peroxide, sulfur and resorcinol. These are in the form of gels, creams and lotions. Steaming and deep cleansing is another useful step. Mild acne can be treated with soaps, creams and lotions.

Acne and products for its control Beautizone UK - A3 Lemon Face Skin Cleanser

A3 Lemon Face Skin Cleanser 260ml

This Lemon face skin cleanser removes pimples and blackheads. It prevents the forming of blemishes and makes it softer and fresh.

Acne and products for its control Beautizone UK - Clean & Clear Deep Cleansing Oil Free Lotion

Clean & Clear Deep Cleansing Oil Free Lotion 200ml

This cleanser is very effective and prevents spots. It tones and tightens pores after washing. It gently removes oil, dirt and grease.



Use a gentle toner to reduce excess oil. Toners help fight blackheads and whiteheads. Apply toner on your face and neck with cotton ball to remove oil or makeup.

Acne and products for its control Beautizone UK - Clear Essence Lemon Plus Vitamin C Multi-Active Toner

Clear Essence Lemon Plus Vitamin C Multi-Active Toner 113g


This multi active toner is designed to balance excessive skin pigmentation, enhances skin tone and moisture and has no harsh chemicals.

Acne and products for its control Beautizone UK - Carrot Glow Intense Toning Lightening Serum

Carrot Glow Intense Toning Lightening Serum 50ml

It improves skin tone, elasticity, and skin health. It reduces pimples, pigmentation, acne and scars.


Acne treatment Medicine:

 When your toner dries then apply acne treatment creams, wait until they absorb or dry before moving to the next step.

Acne and products for its control Beautizone UK - Fair and White So White Acne Medication Cleanser

Fair and White So White Acne Medication Cleanser 250ml

It has salicylic acid, closes the pores and absorbs oil. It has aloe Vera which prevents redness and irritation and soothes inflamed skin. Apply it in morning and evening on affected area.



It’s not true that moisturizers are not for oily skin. In fact, moisturizers are an important part of acne skin care routine. A good moisturizer will keep your skin hydrating. Pick a light weight, oil free moisturizer.

Acne and products for its control Beautizone UK - Caro Light Cocoa Butter Cream

Caro Light Cocoa Butter Cream 450ml

It has natural Whitening Agents and Oils. It maintains an even complexion, removes black spots and pimples and makes your skin soft and smooth.



In day time apply the sunscreen which is less oily, light in consistency and designed especially for the face.


Scrub and mask:

According to experts, scrubs and masks are not very effective for acne prone skin, so use cleanser which will do a lot more to keep your face acne free. Use gentle skin exfoliants containing glycolic or alpha hydroxyl acids.

Acne and products for its control Beautizone UK - Queen Helene Pomegranate & Raspberry Facial Scrub

Queen Helene Pomegranate & Raspberry Facial Scrub 170g

It is for normal to combination/oily skin. This fragrant scrub removes dead skin cells, impurities from your skin and gives protection against skin aging effects. It refines skin texture and maintains moisture balance. If your skin is oily then use it more often.

Acne and products for its control Beautizone UK - Queen Helene Mint Julep Facial Scrub

Queen Helene Mint Julep Facial Scrub 227g

It dries acne pimples, removes blackheads and shrinks large pores.


Makeup on acne prone skin:

Never apply layers of makeup when you have acne. Makeup can hide pimples but using a wrong makeup product can cause redness. Your makeup should be non-greasy, oil free and non-irritating.

Whenever you purchase makeup products, always read ingredients like water, silica, titanium dioxide, zinc oxide and dimethicone should be in it, these can absorb oil and prevent redness.


Some factors in developing pimples:

  • Heredity
  • Hot and humid climate
  • Oil based makeup
  • Menstrual cycle
  • Change in hormones.
  • Certain medications.
  • Food rich in carbohydrates.

If self-acne care routine do not work then seek medical advice. Treatment of acne prone skin is often successful. Some treatments take six to eight weeks and some are long term treatments.

Patience is necessary in acne treatment.

How to prevent acne:

Some tips

  • If you want a clean skin, (whether you have acne or a clear skin) wash your face twice a day to remove polluting effects, dead skin cells and additional oil from your skin's surface. It’s not necessary to wash your face more than two times a day because it can do harm. Use tepid water and a gentle facial cleanser. Harsh soaps can hurt acne prone skin and cause irritation.
  • Do not scrub your skin harshly with loofah or a glove, wash it with your hands. After rinsing, dry it with a clean towel. Usually acne products contain those ingredients that dry the skin so use a moisturizer that can minimize dryness. Use “non comedogenic” products which do no cause acne. These are for all skin types.
  • There are some acne products which do not need a prescription, because they have ingredients such as: benzoyl peroxide, salicylic, glycolic acid or lactic acid which prevent bacteria and dryness.
  • Avoid wearing makeup if you have acne prone skin. If you do wear makeup, then wash it off when the day’s end. Use oil free and without chemical products.
  • Do not block or irritate your skin’s pores by using fragrances, oils and gels on your hair.
  • Pull away your oily hair from your face as it can add more oil on your skin.
  • Try to avoid touching your face it can spread bacteria and irritate the inflamed skin.
  • Excessive sun exposure can increase inflammation and redness. Always apply sunscreen and wear protective clothes.
  • Never touch or squeeze pimples.
  • Add fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet.
  • Stress is another reason that causes acne, so try to avoid stress.

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